Live Date: November 15, 2021


Show Description:  Heather sits down with entrepreneur and founder of Primally Pure, Bethany McDaniel to discuss all things skincare, self-care, and taking care of business. Whether it’s managing being a wife and a mom with owning a business or infrared therapy, Bethany has a lot to share in this episode. You don’t want to miss it!

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 This Episode Will Teach You:

  • How to utilize customer feedback to grow your business

  • How to develop habit-forming strategies

  • Tips for lowering stress, balancing our hormones, and boosting skin health

Biggest Takeaways:

  • As both are wives, mothers, and entrepreneurs, Heather and Bethany discuss operating with intention as both entrepreneur and mother. They talk about how appreciating that it will not be a 50-50 arrangement but instead different day-to-day allows a more forgiving perspective. The two also discuss how bringing their children into their work lives is setting an example for them to see what a successful business woman looks like. 

  • Bethany discusses cultivating an evening wind-down routine and what that looks like. As a busy mother and entrepreneur, she has found that it is easiest to carve out time for herself in the evening and she walks through her skincare tips and tricks as well as the benefits of taking the time to take care of yourself. 

  • Heather and Bethany discuss accepting and tackling customer feedback. For anyone who's in a leadership role and following their passions, customer feedback can be tricky. Butt Bethany shares that you don't ever want to get to the point where your ego is more important than your customers.

About the Guest: ​​Founder, farmer's wife, mama bear, matcha lover and bath taker, Bethany McDaniel is the heartbeat and hard work behind the brand, Primally Pure. When Bethany's family spontaneously started a beyond organic livestock farm in Southern California called Primal Pastures, she discovered the power of eating real food and her eyes were opened to a new world of wellness. Bethany subsequently purged her bathroom cabinets of toxic conventional skincare products and began formulating her own replacements with pure, simple ingredients.


  • “Eventually, I had a product that a lot of people were really happy with and wanted to reorder from me just making the products out of my kitchen. So, at the time the farm was taking off and I figured why not just start trying to sell these products on the farm’s website? From there, there was just a lot of interest. And after a few months of doing that, I decided to start a website just for Primally Pure and really just try to turn this into a legit business.” - Bethany McDaniel, 8:12 

  • “We do everything under one roof. We do our manufacturing, our shipping, our customer service, our marketing, everything happens here. We don't outsource any bit of the process.” - Bethany McDaniel, 9:15

  • “I feel like so many female-owned businesses start by trying to solve a problem. It might be something you're solving for your child or something you're solving for yourself or a friend or whatever, but ultimately we're trying to solve a problem.” - Heather Adams, 10:07

  • “Sometimes having a dream and a vision can propel us forward and get us excited about the future. But sometimes, when people set expectations that maybe aren't realistic then they can get really frustrated when they don't come to fruition.” - Bethany McDaniel, 11:47

  • “Whatever anyone is able to, to do whatever steps anyone is able to take, every day, every week, every month, to propel them towards where they want to be is going to make an impact. And I think it's just important to continue on, press on, and continue taking those steps rather than completely giving up if things aren't panning out the way we feel like they should.” - Bethany McDaniel, 13:04

  • “Anyone who's in a leadership role or anyone who's following their passions, we care so much and we take a lot of pride in our work. And I think that is such a great thing, but we don't ever want it to get to the point where our ego is more important than our customer.” - Bethany McDaniel, 18:00

  • “Taking customer feedback isn't always easy. Sometimes customers will say things and give advice that we don't necessarily want to hear or don't necessarily agree with, but it's so valuable.” - Bethany McDaniel, 18:35

  • “I didn't want people to have to feel like they were compromising something just to use a natural product. I wanted to create products that would give people the same or better results than conventional products and smell better than conventional products and feel better and all those things. So people weren't just using them only because they weren't harmful, but because they actually love the products.” - Bethany McDaniel, 22:15

  • “I think one thing that has helped me is just knowing that it's never going to be completely 50-50. Sometimes I'm going to be spending way more time with my kids and working less and not getting as much done in work as I want to do and being okay with that in those moments.” - Bethany McDaniel, 25:01

  • “I want my kids to see that I'm doing that and putting that intention into my time with them, just like I put intention into my time at work.” - Bethany McDaniel, 26:18

  • “Plus you're modeling for them the example of a successful businesswoman, who's also a devoted mom and they're seeing that example laid out for them.” - Heather Adams, 28:17

  • “Last year it was faith, family, work, and health. And so I took those four categories and I created habits that would allow me to progress in those areas. I just focused on one habit per category per quarter. So four new habits every quarter.” - Bethany McDaniel, 31:11

  • “I have found that evenings are just in terms of skincare and self-care, the best time for me to fit that in.” - Bethany McDaniel, 37:11

  • “Entrepreneurship is such an interesting journey and you learn so much about yourself in the process. And I think for me, there are so many ups and downs, and it's easy to feel overly inflated and good about yourself or overly deflated based on how that day went, and it changes by the minute.” - Bethany McDaniel, 43:35

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