Live Date: November 8, 2021


Show Description:  In today’s episode, Heather sits down with bestselling author Ken Coleman to discuss how using your talents in a passionate way to produce results that matter deeply to you sets you on the journey to fulfillment. Ken discusses the seven steps he lays out in his new book, From Paycheck to Purpose, he talks about how you can change your mind about what you want to do, and themes in employment that are inspiring today’s workers.

Link to Full Episode

 This Episode Will Teach You:

  • The first step in finding purpose and passion in your career 

  • How to embark on the clear path to doing work you love

  • The seven steps to discover what you were born to do 

Biggest Takeaways:

  • Ken and Heather discuss current trends in employment and how the workforce is shifting in values amidst the ‘great resignation.’ When you look at the data across the board, nearly 70% of Americans ‘not engaged’ doesn't mean they hate their job, but they're not engaged with their work. Studies are pointing to a theme that people want to use their skills for the greater good, something with meaning.

  • Use what you do best (talent)  to do work you love (passion) to produce results that matter deeply to you (mission). Ken walks Heather through his formula to finding your place in the workforce and how to use your skills and passion to make a difference.

  • Heather dives into the value of advocating for yourself at work. She and Ken discuss how knowing your role, accepting your role, and maximizing your role leads to a life of purpose. There is passion at work and passion for your life and the two are not mutually exclusive, they must work together for you to feel fulfilled. So often, women are faced with more scrutiny and pressure to do both - but the pair talk about striking that balance.

About the Guest: Ken Coleman is the #1 national bestselling author of The Proximity Principle and nationally syndicated host of The Ken Coleman Show. Pulling from his own personal struggles, missed opportunities, and career successes, Ken helps people discover what they were born to do and provides practical steps to make their dream job a reality. The Ken Coleman Show is a caller-driven career show that helps listeners who are stuck in a job they hate or searching for something more out of their career. His latest book, From Paycheck to Purpose, releases in November.


  • “Oprah said, ‘I influenced more people every day through those mediums than I ever would as a politician’, and it was like a tuning fork went off in my chest.” - Ken Coleman, 6:15

  • “If you want to know what got me here, it's the personal experience that I just described of being so on purpose for a while, and then realizing that isn't it. Then dealing with the uncertainty, the fear, the doubt, and the pride. So that's what's underneath everything I teach and everything that I coach, it comes from my own experience of digging out of that and really understanding what it takes to get clear and then to make that pivot.” - Ken Coleman, 6:55

  • “Step back and you look at the reality is, is that we humans were created to contribute. Now I say it that way because if I said we were created to work, a lot of people would go, whoa, dude, that's a little harsh. But when you say ‘created a contribute’, there's a connection to that statement.” - Ken Coleman 10:07

  • “We are spiritual people and there's something in our soul that longs to make a difference, a contribution. So the paycheck is provision. Purpose is contribution.” - Ken Coleman, 11:16

  • “I use what I do best to do work. I love to produce results that matter to me, that's an on-purpose person.” - Ken Coleman, 14:24

  • “When I use what I do best to do work I love to produce results that matter to me, here's the deal. That's where the income and the impact come together so beautifully.” - Ken Coleman, 15:28

  • “We are in what is being called the ‘great resignation.’ I read a Washington Post article last week about the unemployment rate and the labor shortage that we're in right now. People are quitting, their jobs, right and left without even having anything else lined up. Many are saying it's because this is one area of their life that they can control right now when there's so much uncertainty happening.” - Heather Adams, 17:04

  • “If you're going to be on purpose, you better get used to change and develop a change muscle because change is the name of the game.” - Ken Coleman, 19:18

  • “​​When you begin to get okay with the journey of what it's going to take to get there, and you begin to see the mountaintop, you begin to see something, and you go, ‘that's where I want to be.’ And you take hold of it. And you're willing to sacrifice. You're willing to struggle to get there. And I think we're just seeing a lot of people going, life's too short. I'm going to get after it. I want to make this contribution.” - Ken Coleman, 21:05

  • “Here's why a mission statement is important, clarity breeds confidence and confidence breeds courage.” - Ken Coleman, 25:49

  • “The connectedness is, I'm going to go deeper and I'm going to turn myself from a networker into a learner. So this is the distinction. When I am in those environments, if I'm asking more questions and I've spent more time having the person I'm connecting with talk, then the deeper the connection is going to be.” - Ken Coleman, 33:54

  • “The hunters are like you and I, we go around quick. We can talk to every single person in the room. We have all these great connections. And the farmer talks to two people in the room and knows everything about them by the end of the party. There's so much value in that. But the listening 80% of the time talking 20% of the time is what I teach.” - Heather Adams, 36:40

  • “What I really love about what you said is at the end of the day when you allow someone to feel known and seen and understood and feel valuable like they're solving a problem for you, that's when that deep and meaningful connection begins.” - Heather Adams, 37:11

  • “Look at it and go, ‘wait a second, is this the right pay? Is it the right promotion? Is it also the right timing? Is it the right culture? Is it the right rung on the ladder? Does this keep me in that sweet spot where I'm using what I do best to do work I love to produce results that matter to me?” - Ken Coleman, 53:31

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