Live Date: November 22, 2021


Show Description:  In this episode, you’ll gain insight into bringing together your goals and passions to be successful in both your life and business. Heather sits down with sisters Lauren and Candice Henry, co-founders of Aretio who teamed up to ​​inspire, equip, and empower the next generation of extraordinary leaders, and in this episode, you’ll find out how they do that. Listen in for actionable steps to get you and your business ready for 2022.

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 This Episode Will Teach You:

  • How to utilize the “Four Power Practices:” gratitude, goal-setting affirmations, and reflection to meet your goals. 

  • What the PACT method is, how to implement it, and the benefits of it when setting goals. 

  • Why mindset is so important in goal setting and the five simple steps to build an ‘unshakable mindset.’

Biggest Takeaways:

  • Lauren and Candice share with Heather the value in beginning with gratitude and ending with reflection. The perspective that gratitude provides coupled with the wisdom gleaned from reflecting allows each goal to be set realistically and thoughtfully thus more likely to be accomplished. 

  • Heather, Candice, and Lauren discuss setting a few digestible goals versus a large number of open-ended ones. Candice and Lauren agree on setting ten or fewer goals, usually advising around five. They share the importance of making goals that are going to help you move forward in all elements of your life because you shouldn’t set a goal in your business and then completely neglect your family life or your health because that doesn't help you overall as a person.

  • Candice and Lauren dive into how your mindset affects your goals and your outcomes. They believe that mindset is truly one of the key components to an individual's success or failure, both in your personal life and in business. And what's so interesting about a success mindset is that it can be cultivated. There is a misconception that you are born with it or some are naturally predisposed to having that mindset, but the two dispel that notion and discuss how it can be created and shared. The pair walk through their five steps to building an “unshakeable mindset.’

About the Guest: Candice and Lauren Henry are top-rated university professors of leadership and co-founders of Aretios, a company dedicated to helping leaders and young professionals learn how to lead well and live the life they were designed for. These sisters bring over a decade of study in leadership and personal growth and 13 years of experience as leadership trainers. Through their work as success and influence strategists, they have done speaking and training sessions for global companies, non-profit organizations, and various colleges and universities. Candice & Lauren help people clarify their purpose and develop their influence so that they can live a life full of success, excitement, and meaning.


  • “We started teaching courses as university professors in leadership. And as we were doing that, we were seeing how the young people were responding so well to this material, just like we had loved it and taken a hold of that. And we thought to ourselves, you know, why aren't more people getting this. There's kind of a younger voice missing in this conversation. And that inspired us to start our company. Ratos where we work as success and influence strategists training, the next generation of leaders and entrepreneurs and young professionals, how to lead well and live their best life.” - Lauren Henry, 6:02

  • “It was so neat to see that we have something different that we can bring and we can really communicate with the next generation in a way that speaks to them where they are and it doesn't have to be what everyone else has been doing. It's okay to do something new and fresh. And so that really drove our initiative to go into this.” - Candice Henry, 7:05

  • “For us, adventure is a mindset. It's a way of living life. And we think that life is best lived when you see it as an adventure. If you think about someone and they make a comment like ‘I'm going to be adventurous’, they're usually going to be willing to try something new and different, and they're more open to learning a lesson and embracing the unexpected.” - Lauren Henry, 8:18

  • “So when we were just starting off learning about leadership, we really did a lot of observation and we continue to do this. You can learn so much from looking at the lives of other people. So we started studying the lives of the super successful, and we asked, ‘what are the common things among all these people across all industries?’ Whether they were in business or athletics or the arts world, ‘what made them stand out?’ And so we started looking and we found that there were certain commonalities that they had, habits that were part of their everyday routine. It was just a part of who they were. And so we really wanted to make these habits stick.” - Candice Henry, 10:08 

  • “We actually ended up creating a product around the ‘four power practices’, called The Daily, which is a guided journal. We use that every day to help us use the ‘power practices’ so that we were getting those results. So the four power practices are: gratitude, goal-setting affirmations, and reflection. So when we looked at people across time and across industries, these were the same common things that we kept seeing.” - Lauren Henry, 11:03

  • “So we want to be very specific with our goals, right? You want to have that end date and you want to have that in front of you on a daily basis because that allows your mind to start focusing on the direction that you want to go. And that feeds beautifully into the affirmation idea. It's so fascinating when you start studying the brain and how it works because our thoughts control so much of who we are, so we have to be really mindful of the thoughts that we think on a daily basis. For us, affirmations are a great way to really help direct those thoughts in the direction of the person that we want to become. And we can couple that with our goals to really focus our efforts.” - Candice Henry, 12:41

  • “We're always learning and reflection causes us to have to stop and to think. For some people spending time alone with their thoughts is not the most exciting thing, but reflection can help us gain wisdom every day.” - Lauren Henry, 14:18

  • “The great thing about this PACT tool is that you can use it when you set your goals. So at the beginning of course, but then you can also go back and use it as a diagnostic. If you're working toward a goal and you’re not seeing the results that you want, or something's not right,  you can go back to PACT because if you're not getting the results, you are usually missing one of these four things.” - Lauren Henry, 17:50

  • “We like to say, begin with the end in mind and then kind of reverse engineer, the actionable step-by-step strategy that you're going to use. You know, you can just write down your goal and that helps you. But if you don't have a plan, it's just going to be words on paper. So you need to have action steps.” - Lauren Henry, 18:13

  • “Accountability with some sort of scheduled check-in makes us 95 percent more likely to achieve our goals.” Candice Henry. 19:45

  • “When I'm doing a health goal or when I have something connected to the business or something with my marriage or whatever it is, if there's somebody that I have verbally communicated it to and I'm asking them to check in on my progress or hold me accountable in some way, then I feel obligated to make sure I'm making progress.” - Heather Adams, 21:01

  • “A lot of people look at other people and they think, ‘they've gotten this far ahead in this amount of time, I should be able to do it in that amount of time too.’ And so we sometimes end up focusing on the comparison part instead of monitoring how much time we're putting into our goals and giving ourselves the right timeframe in order to achieve what we need to.” - Candice Henry, 24:30

  • “You want to make sure you align your most important tasks with your most productive hours. That way you're able to really see the progress that you're looking for.” - Lauren Henry, 26:12

  • “It's so easy for other things to kind of come in and encroach on that time. And we have to be intentional and say, ‘okay, this is a priority to me. And so I'm going to ensure that this stays a priority.’ At the end of the day, it really is a commitment to yourself that you're making. And if you're not holding yourself accountable, it's really hard to want to continue pursuing goals because you're not going to see results.” - Candice Henry, 28:12

  • “It is absolutely essential that we build a mindset that will really propel us forward in that direction of positive growth and the accomplishment of our goals.” Candice Henry, 30:35

  • “One of the keys to sustaining a success mindset is surrounding yourself with people who are going to influence you in a positive way and help you to continue to expand your thinking, to have new ideas, and to grow. So when we're around a solid community, that's going to build us up and move us forward.” - Lauren Henry, 33:04

  • “​​Essentially we believe that in order to live life at its best, we have to be inspired by purpose. So, that's the first one, inspired by the purpose for which we were created. And then equipped to positively influence the world around us, and empowered to embrace the adventure of life. So it's purpose, influence, and adventure. Those three principles have really helped us to do so many things in life. It helped us to create our dream career, to live a life that we love living, and we get a chance to serve people in that process.” - Lauren Henry, 42:20 

  • “Make the most of the season that you're in. I think a lot of people just want to rush into what's next, they have their goals and they get so excited. They just want to be in that season and they miss out on the lessons and the wisdom that can be gained from where they are right now. Be present, don't wish for what's ahead and miss the moments that you're given in this time.” - Candice Henry, 47:40

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