Live Date: October 18, 2021


Show Description:In this episode, Heather sits down with skilled coach Adam Outland to discuss culture, values, finding the right employees, and closing a sale. Whether it’s a single employee or an entire team, the pair share their approaches to defining goals, onboarding team members, and their practices that lead to higher retention and higher performance.

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 This Episode Will Teach You:

  • To define and seek out the top characteristics or traits to consider when hiring. How to find someone who is the perfect fit for the business

  • How companies and managers can set employees up for success

  • How the identification of the “ideal client” can help expedite and make the acquisition process more productive

Biggest Takeaways:

  • Heather and Adam walk through the inherent value in defining roles and expectations clearly when hiring a new team member. Whether a sales role or communications or HR, defining expectations and responsibilities leads to higher retention and productivity.

  • Adam discusses how building those internal relationships with your team adds value to the business. Knowing that you share core values and similar interests within the team creates a cohesive environment and builds trust. 

  • Heather and Adam share the value of a vision and building your team around that vision and core values. Whether it’s a long-term goal or everyday mantras and practices, the whole team must be bought into the culture and expectations in order to see success.

About the Guest: With more than 15 years of sales and leadership experience, Adam Outland is a practitioner and top producer in his field, with the conviction and proven ability to lead his clients to do the same. Adam is a sought-after coach skilled in awakening others to their potential and inspiring them to create a powerful impact. Soon after joining Southwestern Consulting in 2014, Adam quickly became an integral team member maximizing the opportunity to serve clients at every level and across a wide variety of industries. His intentional coaching offers the advantage of crucial accountability while equipping others with the knowledge to begin making key decisions to become more effective both personally and professionally.


  • “What an impact, I love that you point back to your parents as kind of that North Star that laid the foundation for you to pursue what it was your passion was, which was different than theirs.” - Heather Adams, 6:10

  • “This seems like a really good practice to have from the very beginning and have someone holding our sales team accountable, providing that one-on-one coaching the systems to support them. And I think it was the best way for me to start from a foundational standpoint of having business development.” - Heather Adams, 9:52

  • “I would imagine that some people are afraid to take that leap and add someone to the team for a couple of reasons. Number one, I think a lot of people, if you're a small business owner like me, you may be afraid for somebody else to be the face of the business, to a potential client. There's also the fear around what are the financial implications.” - Heather Adams, 10:52

  • “We all have to go through this pattern of learning where we start off with unconscious incompetence, right? We're not good at something and we don't even realize we're not good at it. And then we become conscious of our incompetence. And so we work at our knowledge and our training and our craft, and then we become consciously competent.” - Adam Outland, 12:14

  • “The only way we grow is by learning and making mistakes. We’ve seen that with every person we bring on, whether it pans out long term or not, you end up evolving your systems to some degree as a result. That’s what a business is, it’s people and really good systems.” - Adam Outland, 15:06

  • “And I think the reason for that first and foremost is you've done a really good job, finding people who share common values. And that always makes someone easier to work with is if they actually share enough values with you.” Adam Outland, 17:25

  • “We meet in a social setting with the candidate that we're considering because we want to see can we talk about the same things? Do we have the same interests? How do they treat the person who's waiting on them? You know, like all of those things really tell you a lot about if you're going to get along with that person outside of the office.” - Heather Adams, 19:29

  • “A true expectation conversation when hiring someone should be the expectation of how you and they are going to get along, how you guys are going to communicate, what they can expect out of you as their leader, and in turn, what you can expect out of them as a team player, right? In my history of doing and building teams myself, it's that conversation alone that's created incredible retention among teams that are in sales and prevented turnover.” - Adam Outland, 22:13

  • “The best thing I've heard is that a sales person's job, no matter the industry or position, is to help people make decisions.” - Adam Outland, 31:54

  • “If you're helping someone make the decision that they should partner with you, great. But sometimes it's also helping them make the decision that they shouldn't partner with you. Right? That's a win too. That's a win for the client and for you guys because it wasn't a fit.” - Adam Outland, 31:56

  • “It's amazing if you have a vision and you have a powerful one, you'll figure out the answers to everything you need to figure out. But when that piece is missing and you're unmotivated, it doesn't matter how much skill you have. Doesn't matter how tight your systems are. It's not going to happen.” - Adam Outland, 48:02Related Links:

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