Topics You Need to be Pitching in Q1

We all know that pitching is the key to unlocking excellent media coverage. However, earning media coverage from a pitch is easier said than done. On average, journalists at popular outlets receive hundreds of pitches per day. As well, with the ever-evolving media landscape, faster news cycles, and unprecedented amount of media outlets, it is easier than ever for a journalist to overlook your carefully-crafted pitch.  

As a publicist, it’s disheartening to spend hours writing a stellar pitch that does not get picked up by the media. So, how do you save yourself time, energy and sanity, and create pitches that earn media coverage? To make your pitch stand out, it must be timely and relevant. A good pitcher is always a few steps ahead and anticipates what the media will be talking about before the conversation begins. 

Here are a few topics we anticipate the media will be talking about in Q1, along with questions to get you thinking about how you can contribute to the conversation.  

January Pitch Topics:  

  • New Year, New You - What can you offer that will help others reinvent themselves in 2022? What are some tips for setting goals? How do you stick to your New Year’s Resolutions? 

  • Have Fun At Work Day (Jan. 28) - How can you encourage others to have fun at work? How do you inject fun into your work-life? How do you find joy in your work?

February Pitch Topics: 

  • Black History Month - Why does Black History Month inspire you? What do you want others to know about Black History Month? 

  • Galentine’s Day (Feb .13) - What are your Galentine’s Day party ideas and hosting tips? Why do you admire your Galentines? 

March Pitch Topics: 

  • International Women’s Day (Mar. 8) - Who is an inspiring woman in your life? As a female business leader, how are you supporting other women? 

  • National Write Down Your Story Day (Mar. 14) - Are you writing something you want people to know about? How can your story benefit others? 

Ongoing Topics: 

  • As great as planning ahead is, make sure you are also keeping a finger on the pulse of hot topics and trending issues, as these make great pitch angles too! 

Want more pitch ideas? Join Choice for a LIVE strategic communications planning webinar January 13, 2021, at 12 p.m. CST. The webinar gives you access to 50+ timely and relevant pitch angles for Q1 and beyond. You can get your ticket here.


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