Why a Brand Photography Session Is So Important

Picture this– you have the perfectly crafted caption, the best researched hashtags, and the quality of your post is top notch. You go to select a photo and don’t have anything that reflects your brand, your voice, or the sentiment that you are wanting to convey with this perfectly crafted post. A tragedy. 

This doesn’t have to be you, though.  *cue scheduling a brand photoshoot* 

What is a brand photoshoot? 

This is a dedicated photoshoot to capture images that reflect and represent your brand. It’s important to consider what kind of message you are trying to send to your ideal audience, as you want these images to attract and keep their attention. For Choice, we use these photoshoots to capture new on-brand headshots of our team, as well as the larger team, mock-up style images, and photos of us in the action of our daily routines. 

Why is this important? 

  1. Brand photography gives your audience a first impression of your business – good or bad. 

    1. Whether it be your website or your social media, most people come into contact with your business online first. The images you share online provide an audience unfamiliar with the daily workings of your business a behind the scenes look. How you portray your business is extremely important and can play a large role in the success of your client acquisition process. 

  2. Brand photography builds trust and recognition with your audience. 

    1. We’re sure you’ve heard the saying, “no one wants to do business with a faceless company,”  and it is so true. Brand trust is not only about providing good products or services for your clients, it’s also about providing an overall experience for them that gives them confidence in your business and your ability to serve them well. 

What to consider?

  1. Location. 

    1. What type of location you shoot at sets the whole tone for the photos. Since Choice typically serves a business in the lifestyle industry, we like to capture photos in both a business setting, as well as a more lifestyle setting. 

  2. Props

    1. Just as the location is important, so are the props you bring to use. Try bringing along a coffee mug/water bottle, or a few books or magazines to liven up the space. 

  3. People

    1. If your a business with a team, be sure to invite them along for the photos. You want to be sure your capturing everyone involved, and capturing them in their lane of work is ideal. For example, if you have a publicist on your team – capturing them highlighting articles or reading a manuscript would be ideal. 

If you want to learn more about branding and the benefits of it, we encourage you to check out these podcast episodes. We know you’ll find the information in them so valuable. 


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